
Fire Fighting Pumps & Portable Water Pumps

Delivering superior fire protection systems to businesses, homes, and multi-family residences. SPIEDR has the best fire fighting portable water pump systems on the market. Our portable water pump saves lives and minimizes structural damage caused by fires and large-scale disasters.

Fire fighting pumps are portable water pumps used for grass fires, forest fires or stand by protection of structures requiring high pressure or high volumes of water. Our fire fighting portable water pumps can also be used to distribute water from natural environmental water sources such as creeks, rivers, lakes or storage tanks.

SPIEDR has supplied a state of the art portable water pump, protection systems and wildfire equipment at competitive, but affordable industry pricing. Our water pumps are ready for immediate use that are effective for those battling wildfires.

Fire Fighting Pumps – What are They?

Fire fighting pumps are portable water pump firefighting apparatus’ that can be easily transported to a fire scene and quickly made operational to deliver large quantities of water onto the fire. For home firefighting purposes, equipment classed as “forestry” is commonly used due to its portability and light weight.

A portable water pump is used when the water supply can’t provide enough pressure to meet the hydraulic design requirements of a reliable fire protection system. The portable fire fighting water pump uses water from an external water source to increase the water flow and pressure.  In order to effectively use a portable water pump, you first must find water sources that are typically static, meaning from lakes, rivers and ponds. The high pressure water pump provides long distance hose lays or pumping up to high elevation areas to overcome the pressure loss (feet of head or dynamic head).

Types of fire fighting pumps:

Trusted by wildland firefighters for generations, WATERAX is the leading manufacturer of high-pressure fire fighting pumps. Here are some of the top portable water pumps SPIEDR carries:

Fire Fighting Pump Benefits:

Fire fighting pumps are the perfect answer to bringing fight to the fire, since wildfires can destroy hundreds of homes. Especially when a fire starts in the wilderness moving through your neighborhood, knowing it’s impossible to have access to fire equipment. By having a portable fire fighting pump, firefighters and home owners are able to avoid this dangerous disaster.

When firefighters are unable to get close to a fire scene, portable fire fighting water pumps are used for their specialty by being there on scene. Portable fire fighting pumps are a great device to use when water can’t be pumped to a hose line.

Portable Water Pump – Why Choose SPIEDR?

SPIEDR is focused on supplying the fire service products that will keep them both safe in the line of duty and provide confidence in the ability of their equipment. We are dedicated in solving the challenges firefighters face in wildlands.

Our company’s commitment with the quality of our products in fire fighting pumps goes beyond the product line. Fire fighting pumps are perhaps the most important critical single piece of a reliable fire protection system. A portable water pump is needed to create water pressure for sprinkler effectiveness and fire-fighting efforts.

SPIEDR’s products are the perfect quality, are reliable and trustworthy. Our portable fire fighting water pump is as tested and proven as the men and women who use them every day.

Protecting people, valuable assets and revenue from fire related damage is essential to maintaining a successful business, and so is choosing the right business to service your fire protection systems and life safety systems. Let SPIEDR be your first defense. Trust us to be there when you need us.

Talk to us today!

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