
Structure Protection Crew on the Scene of a Fire

Wildfire Preparedness

Each year wildfires burn across Canada and the US and more people are living in at-risk areas of the world. Those living in these areas should prepare themselves and their families with the knowledge of what to do before, during, and after a fire.

Make an Emergency Plan

Know your evacuation zone, and practice going to your designated meeting location with the household, including your pets. Prepare for days you or your family may be away from home, like at school and at work as well. Be sure to make arrangements ahead of time with family or friends to have a home to stay at in case you are evacuated from yours. 

Ensure that everyone in your household knows all the escape routes in the home and practice these often. Remember to review this plan at least once a year.

Have a Go Bag Ready

Assemble an emergency kit for everyone in your household. The government recommends having both an emergency supply kit and go bags ready. Remember to include plenty of drinking water: humans require an average of 4 litres per day, and pets need around 30 mL per kg of body weight. 

Include important documents like insurance policies, passports, birth certificates, marriage licenses, and irreplaceable photos.

Property Protection

You can help to protect your surrounding property from a fire before it happens. Clear away any debris and materials that are flammable, like leaves or needles. You can also help by planting trees that are less flammable and use fire resistant materials in any construction projects. Avoid using bark and wood-chip mulch next to structures. 

In an evacuation warning, try to move all outdoor furniture inside to the centre of your home and remove curtains and window coverings. Have water accessible on your property by filling garbage cans and connecting a garden hose, ensuring they are available for firefighters. 

SPIEDR and Firestorm crews are trained and certified with the National Fire Protection Association and help protect homes, businesses, farms, and other structures from wildfire damage. 

SPIEDR works to protect communities from wildfire damage by providing equipment rentals, consulting, and wildland firefighter training.

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About the Author

By thinkprofits / Administrator, bbp_keymaster on Aug 30, 2021