
A lawnmower running through tall grass.

How to Prepare Your Home for Evacuation

You probably know how to put together an emergency kit for evacuation, but do you know how to prepare your home for while you are gone? Following these simple measures can significantly reduce your home’s risk of being burned while you are away on evacuation orders.

Close All Doors & Windows

Make sure that all of your doors and windows are shut before you leave, but leave them unlocked. This allows easy access for firefighters in the event that they need to enter your home to protect it from an encroaching wildfire.

Move Furniture to the Centre of the Room

Move any flammable furniture towards the centre of a given room in your home. This keeps it less likely to be ignited if a fire does reach your home. You may want to remove any flammable curtains or window coverings as well.

Shut off Propane or Gas Tanks

If you have a propane or gas tank, make sure that you turn it off before you leave. If you have a propane-powered BBQ, move it away from your house and other structures.

Move Patio Furniture Inside

If you have flammable patio furniture outside, move it to a secure indoor area such as inside your home or garage. Remember to place it in the centre of the room as well. 

Mow Your Grass

If you have time, mow your grass short and remove dry vegetation from your yard. Long grass and dry plant material are the main sources of fuel for wildfire, so leaving your yard mostly free of these materials lowers the risk of your home being impacted by fire.

In addition to these steps, it’s crucial to prepare for evacuation to ensure your safety and that of your loved ones. SPIEDR is committed to helping BC communities stay safer during wildfire season. We offer wildland firefighter training, consulting, and equipment.

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By thinkprofits / Administrator, bbp_keymaster on Mar 31, 2022